Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The question

I started reading a new book this morning, The Dance, by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. I read another of her books a few years ago, The Invitation. I loved that book and it's one that I go back to often. After just a few pages this morning of the new book, I have to stop and let the poignancy of these few words settle in me. She begins chapter one by asking the question,

"I want to know why I am so infrequently the person I really want to be?"

A fair question, I think. One that I often ask of myself. I ask myself the questions of why I find it difficult to be more patient, more compassionate, more aware, more loving with myself and others, more generous. I think all of these qualities are worthy of improving upon. I write about it, I pray, or look for ways to remind myself how to practice these things that I want to grow in me.

In a dream, she hears this:

"Wrong question, Oriah. The question is not why you are so infrequently the person you really want to be. The question is why do you so infrequently want to be there person you
really are?"

This resonates with me as the truer question. I've got to ponder on this awhile.


nonprofitprophet said...

I like the second question much more than the first. For me, its because I know who I am, and sometimes, I don't like me. And its not all me, its the roles I have to assume in life that somehow manage to define me. And I don't like that either. ~npp

nonprofitprophet said...

you still pondering?